Dongjie healthy
for tcm practioners

GinsengPolygoniExtract (10mlx30) RenShenShouWuJing

人參首烏精<麥德保> Specification: 10ml x 30bottle per box Recommended use: 1 bottle to be taken 2 times a day, 15 minutes after meals. Do not exceed the recommended dose. 每日兩次,每次一瓶,清晨和臨睡前服用. Ingredients: Panax ginseng root, Polygonum multiflorum root, Glycyrrhiza uralensis root, Sucrosum, Aqua. 人參, 何首烏 , 甘草, 蔗糖, 水 。 Ren Shen, He Shou Wu, Gan Cao, Zhe Tang, Shui.

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