Dongjie healthy
for tcm practioners

FuYanLing (3gx5) Gynogel

婦炎靈 Specification: 3 g per syringe. 5 syringes per box. Use the syringe cover as a piston to inject the gel into the vagina. Lay flat for 15-30 minutes afterwards. Once daily. 將凝膠送藥器取出,拔去頂蓋,將頂蓋塞進管尾處,置入陰道深處緩緩將管中凝膠推進陰道內,拔出凝膠管即可,每次3克(一管)。建議晚間使用,用藥後平躺15-30分鐘。 Ingredients: Water, carbomer, Phelloendron amurense, Sophora flavescens, Carthamus tinctorius, Taraxacum mongolicum, Liqusticum chuanxiong, Cnidium monnieri, chlorhexidine acetate 純化水,卡波姆,黃柏、苦參、紅花、蒲公英、川芎、蛇床子、醋酸氯

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