正天丸<麥德保> Specification: 0.18g x 200pill per bottle, 120 box per carton Recommended use: 8 pills to be taken with water 3 times a day , 15 minutes after meals. 每日3次,每次8粒,飯後15分鐘溫開水送服。 Ingredients: Uncaria rhynchophylla stem, Paeonia lactiflora root, Rehmannia glutinosa root, Prunus persica seed, Carthamus tinctorius flower, Angelica pubescens f. biserrata root, Spatholobus suberectus stem, Bupleurum chinensis root, Ligusticum chuanxiong rhizome, Angelica sinensis root, Angelica dahurica root, Saposhnikovia divaricata root, Notopterygium incisum rhizome, Bulking agent (potato starch). Gou teng, Bai shao, Di huang, Tao ren, Hong hua, Du huo, Ji xue teng, Chai hu, Chuan xiong, Dang gui, Bai zhi, Fang feng, Qing huo. 鉤藤, 白芍, 地黃, 桃仁, 紅花, 獨活, 雞血藤, 柴胡, 川芎, 當歸, 白芷, 防風, 羌活。